{{ name }} A customer's first name
{{ billing_address }}Output multiline text describing the recipient's billing address.
{{ shipping_address }} Output multiline text describing the recipient's shipping address.
{{ subscription_date }} The next renewal date (e.g. May 4, 2020)
{{ account_link }} A link to your Shopify account page with click tracking
{{ recharge_portal_link }} A deep link to the customer's Recharge portal page with click tracking
{{ delay_shipment_link }} A link to the delay shipment flow with click tracking
{{ gift_link }} A link to the gift checkout flow with click tracking.
{{ upsell_link }} A link to the upsell products page with click tracking.
The following block variables may also be present in your template.
{{ product_block }} Outputs a list of items in the upcoming subscription.
{{ product_block | style: 'enhanced' }} Outputs a list of items in upcoming subscription with product image and additional options.
{{ upsell_block }} Output a list of available one-time add on items.
{{ delay_block }} Outputs buttons for each delay option that will direct the user to the delay shipment flow.
{{ gift_block }} Outputs a list of items available for gifting.
The following URL filters may be used.
{{ url | track: click }} Outputs the input URL with click tracking enabled.
You have access to the entire Shopify shop object in the email template, which includes domain, currency, URL, and more, which you can output using standard Liquid syntax. Shopify Documentation.
{{ shop }} Your Shop object
You have access to the entire Recharge charge object in the email template, which includes line items, discount codes, addresses, and more, which you can output using standard Liquid syntax. Recharge Documentation.
{{ charge }} The upcoming Charge object
You can use the following variables to dynamically add customer specific information to your email content.